Thursday 29 April 2010

The Cool Wall

This is my way of apologizing for the long wait for the last entry. It is for the first time on this blog, time for my very own Cool Wall, Top Gear style. For those of you that don't know the cool wall, it is divided into four categories. Seriously Uncool, Uncool, Cool, and Sub-Zero.

I have looked at all the drivers and teams and decided which ones I think are cool. So here we go.

Firstly the teams:

McLaren: McLaren are known rule breakers, have an all British line up and they're British drivers are the two most recent World Champions. They were also found guilty of spying on Ferrari. I don't think anyone can argue. McLaren are Sub-Zero.

Mercedes: Mercedes are driving two German drivers under the guidence of Ross Brawn. One of those drivers is seven time world champion Michael Schumacher. That alone makes this team Sub-Zero.

Red Bull: A team owned by the most famous energy drink in the world and my personal favourite. However they are underpeforming. This causes them to be Cool rather than Sub-Zero.

Ferrari: The Prancing Horse. The most famous team in Formula one. The biggest rivals of the FIA. How could they not be Sub-Zero? Well the answer is simple. Fernando Alonso. He alone makes this team Seriously Uncool.

Williams: The poor man's McLaren. A team that hasn't won anything for years. They also run the FIA favourite Cosworth engine. There's nothing cool about them. They are Seriously Uncool.

Renault: Is this really a Renault team? Renaul own 25% of the team. The other 75% i owned by Gerad Lopez and his Genii Capital from Luxembourg. The car works so they're only Uncool.

Force India: They are basically McLaren in different colours. The team has been called "McLaren Lite". That is Uncool

Toro Rosso: The easiest one on the list I think. Toro Rosso are Red Bull's JUNIOR team. That is Seriously Uncool

Lotus: Oh God. Lotus are pretending they are the same team Colin Chapman made. They aren't. They are using the Cosworth engine. FIA favourite. If that isn't uncool enough, they are sponsored by CNN. Case closed, Lotus are without a doubt Seriously Uncool

Hispania: The team came very close to being uncool but I can't ignore the name of they're young driver. Bruno SENNA. That makes this team Cool

Sauber: Underachieving in races and one of their drivers has not yet finished a race. This team is therefore Seriously Uncool

Virgin: Finally Richard Branson's team. It has all the cool about it that anytime could possibly need. The only way the could screw this up, it to make complete arses of themselves. Oh wait, their fuel tank in too small. This team is therefore Seriously Uncool.

Drivers will be up later today.

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